Monday, September 30, 2019

Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points

METHODOLOGY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS â€Å"WOODROW WILSON’S FOURTEEN POINTS† By: Astrid Leony Longdong / 043 2010 0004 Dwi Setiawati Endi / 043 2010 0009 Candice Hermawan / 043 2010 0011 Mella Melia / 043 2010 0016 Lecturer: Indra V. A. Krishnamurti, S. Sos, M. Asian St. Date/Day: Thursday, 27th September 2012 [pic] INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITAS PELITA HARAPAN KARAWACI 2012 WOODROW WILSON’S FOURTEEN POINTS 8th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, played a very dominant role in the end of World War I with his Fourteen Points, which also known as Wilson’s Fourteen Points. The Fourteen Points as set forth by Wilson can be seen as the following: 1. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind, but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view. The purpose is clearly to prohibit treaties, sections o f treaties or understandings that are secret.It is proposed that in future every treaty be part of the public law of the world and that every nation assume a certain obligation in regard to its enforcement. Nations cannot assume obligations in matters of which they are ignorant; and therefore any secret treaty tends to undermine the solidity of the whole structure of international covenants which it is proposed to erect. 2. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants.It refers to navigation under the three following conditions: (1) general peace; (2) a general war, entered into by the League of Nations for the purpose of enforcing international covenants; (3) limited war, involving no breach of international covenants. Simply said, it is meant free navigation of all seas. 3. The removal, so far as possibl e, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.The proposal means the destruction of all special commercial agreements, each putting the trade of every other nation in the League on the same basis, the most-favored-nation clause applying automatically to all members of the League of Nation. This is now what we known as free trade in which all economic barriers between countries will end. 4. Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest points consistent with domestic safety. â€Å"Domestic safety† clearly implies not only internal policing, but the protection of territory against invasion and the reduction of weapon numbers. . A free, open-minded and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty , the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined. The German colonies and any other colonies which may come under international consideration as a result of the war. The stipulation is that in the case of the German colonies the title is to be determined after the conclusion of the war by â€Å"impartial adjustment† based on certain principles. . The evacuation of all Russian territory and such a settlement of all questions affecting Russia as will secure the best and freest cooperation of the other nations of the world in obtaining for her an unhampered and unembarrassed opportunity for the independent determination of her own political development and national policy and assure her of a sincere welcome into the society of free nations under institutions of her own choosing; and, more than a welcome, assistance also of every kind that she may need and may herself desire.The treatme nt accorded Russia by her sister nations in the months to come will be the acid test of their goodwill, of their comprehension of her needs as distinguished from their own interests, and of their intelligent and unselfish sympathy. The problem of these nationalities is complicated by two facts: (1) that they have conflicting claims; (2) that the evacuation called for in the proposal may be followed by Bolshevist revolutions in all of them. Therefore the evacuating of the territory, if it resulted in class war, would very probably also take the form of a conflict of nationalities.It is clearly to the interests of a good settlement that the real nation in each territory should be consulted rather than the ruling and possessing class. 7. Belgium, the whole world will agree, must be evacuated and restored without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. No other single act will serve as this will serve to restore confidence among the n ations in the laws which they have themselves set and determined for the government of their relations with one another.Without this healing act the whole structure and validity of international law is forever impaired. The only problem raised here is in the word â€Å"restored. † The restoration is to be in kind or how the amount of the indemnity is to be determined is a matter of detail, not of principle. Among the consequences may be put the war debt of Belgium. The recognition of this principle would constitute â€Å"the healing act† of which the President speaks. In short, Belgium should be independent as it was before the war. 8.All French territory should be freed and the invaded portions restored, and the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years, should be righted in order that peace may once more be made secure in the interest of all. As the world stood in 1914, war between France and Germany was not in itself a violation of international law, and great insistence should be put upon keeping the Belgian case distinct and symbolic. The status of Alsace-Lorraine was settled by the official statement.The best solution would seem to be a free choice by the [people of] Luxembourg themselves. 9. A readjustment of the frontiers of Italy should be effected along clearly recognizable lines of nationality. A conflict with Greece appears through the Greek claim to northern Epirus, or what is now southern Albania. This would bring Greece closer to Valona than Italy desires. A second conflict with Greece occurs over the Aegean Islands of the Dodecanese, but it is understood that a solution favorable to Greece is being worked out.Italy's claims in Turkey belong to the problem of the Turkish Empire. 10. The people of Austria-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and assured, should be accorded the freest opportunity of autonomou s development. The United States is clearly committed to the program of national unity and independence. It must stipulate, however, for the protection of national minorities, for freedom of access to the Adriatic and the Black Sea, and it supports a program aiming at a confederation of Southeastern Europe. 11.Rumania, [Serbia], and Montenegro should be evacuated; occupied territories restored; Serbia accorded free and secure access to the sea; and the relations of the several Balkan states to one another determined by friendly counsel along historically established lines of allegiance and nationality; and international guarantees of the political and economic independence and territorial integrity of the several Balkan states should be entered into. This proposal is also altered by events. Serbia and Rumania wil have 11 or 12 inhabitants and will be far greater and stronger than Bulgaria.Balkan states should be allowed for self-determination and guarantees of independence. 12. The Turkish portions of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure sovereignty, but the other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted security of life and an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomous development; and the Dardanelles should be permanently opened as a free passage to the ships and commerce of all nations under international guarantees. A general code of guarantees binding upon all mandataries in Asia Minor should be written into the Treaty of Peace.This should contain provisions for minorities and the â€Å"open door. † The trunk railroad lines should be internationalized. 13. An independent Polish state should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenants. The principle on which fronti ers will be [delimited] is contained in the President's word â€Å"indisputably. This may imply the taking of an impartial census before frontiers are marked. The chief problem is whether Poland is to obtain territory west of the Vistula, which would cut off the Germans of East Prussia from the empire, or whether Danzig can be made a free port and the Vistula internationalized. 14. A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small [states] alike.The principle of a League of Nations as the primary essential of a permanent peace is the foundation of the whole diplomatic structure of a permanent peace in order to guarantee the political and territorial independence of all states. Wilson’s Fourteen Points were well received by the public either home or abroad, but many foreign leaders, such as David Llyoid George, Georges Clemenceau, and Vi ttorio Orlando were very skeptical about it[1]. Those who were skeptical doubted whether it could be effectively applied to the real world.Clearly, from his Fourteen Points alone, in which he issued as a basis for peace on January 1918, Woodrow Wilson was an idealist. Instead of his famous Fourteen Points, the League of Nations and the World War I Peace Treaty were the products of his idealism. Wilson’s idealism, however, was not merely an idealism. It was more to crusading idealism, where his idealistic nature was apparent through his beliefs as a Christian[2]. His idealistic vision, especially Fourteen Points, had motivated the world with the core lists of what we have widely known now as self-determintation of peoples, free trade, disarmament, open diplomacy.Wilson’s thoughts have been enlighted the world in long term, and for most of it, Wilson did not present a way to achieve his goals[3]. So, he basically just lead people through the door he created, but people t hemselves had to figure out the rest of their own. Wilson, like most of the idealists, is characterized by thinking and planning based upon the ideas that are fit for a perfect world, or at least how a world should be perfect in an imperfect world.The only thing with most of idealists, in this case Wilson, was that he got the right and brilliant ideas, but no body’s in his era got his forward-thinking as he was in different state of mind and vision. It is clear that Woodrow Wilson has imprinted a lasting legacy to the world that we now know. His idealism has brought the world into such a dramatic make over in a better and positive way. Though some of his ideas seemed to be failed, like League of Nations for example, but he gave the world of what we call as the very first ideas and inspirations.People learned from his mistakes and made some kind of innovation that was based upon his failures, like the United Nations which was based on the failed League of Nations. So, in concl usion, Woodrow Wilson is one of well-known idealists and the most influential as well. For the world that we now live in and enjoy, it would not be as it is now (with free trade, the United Nations, and the other legacies) if it weren’t because of him. BIBLIOGRAPHY â€Å"Woodrow Wilson-The Idealist Essay†.Free Essay Must Be Free! TM. Retrieved September 26, 2012 from http://essaymania. com/110139/woodrow-wilson-the-idealist Hickman, Kennedy. â€Å"World War I: The Fourteen Points†. About. com Military History. Retrieved September 26, 2012 from http://militaryhistory. about. com/od/worldwari/p/World-War-I-The-Fourteen-Poin ts. htm â€Å"Paper Analysis: Realist vs. Idealist† Essay001. blogspot. com Retrieved September 26, 2012 from http://essay001. blogspot. com/2007/11/realism-vs-idealism. html ———————– 1] Hickman, Kennedy. World War I: The Fourteen Points. Retrieved on September 26, 2012 from http:// militaryhistory. about. com/od/worldwari/p/World-War-I-The-Fourteen-Points. htm [2] Essay Mania. com. Woodrow Wilson-The Idealist Essay. Retrieved on September 26, 2012 from http://essaymania. com/110139/woodrow-wilson-the-idealist [3] Essay001. blogspot. com. Paper Analysis: Realist vs. Idealist. Retrieved on September 26, 2012 from http://essay001. blogspot. com/2007/11/realism-vs-idealism. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Debt and Factoring Essay

Nowadays, every business needs finance. But at the same time, bad debt has become a stinging problem for the creditors. Many companies are faced with the high credit risk, so obtaining it can be one of the most difficult parts of running your business. So what is the solution for this problem? You can see, there are so many types of business finance, including: bank loans, credit cards, leasing, even outsides investors, family and friend loans†¦ But in my opinion, one of the quickest forms of low cost business finance is factoring, where you can get up to 85% of the value of your invoice immediately, and the remainder (minus the factoring company’s fee) after the money is collected. kFactoring is one of the best ways to get quick finance, improving your cashflow and allowing you to make the most of your sales without risking late payment. What is factoring? You can image that just be simple to sell your invoice to a factoring company. You can get cash quickly, have a chance to access immediate funds, without having to wait for the customer to pay the invoice. You also don’t have to collect the debt. Because you transfer the mission to the factoring company. They get debt and have to collect it. Of course, you lose some of the value of the invoice. And the difference between the price it paid for the invoice and the money from the debtor is the factor’s overall profit. They can provide money either with recourse or without recourse. This is particularly beneficial to those of you who are in a growth period and committing more working capital to customer creditdebtors. There are three basically parties involved in factoring transaction. First, the seller of goods. Second, the buyer of goods. And lastly, the factor or factoring company. Three parties interact each other during the purchase of goods. And what about the history of factoring? In fact, it started centuries ago. It was used in England before 1400. It appears to be closely related to early merchant banking activities. As time rolled on, factoring underwent several changes. The changes are brought about by technology, the organization of companies particularly air travel and non-face to face communications technologies starting with the telegraph, followed by the telephone and then computers†¦. The changes in the legal structures also influenced the changes in factoring rules. But in general, the purpose of it is as the same. Factoring is becoming popular tool to solve problems relating collection, delays recievables. So what are the advantages of factoring over other types of finance? Time Saving – With factoring, you don’t waste too much time to chase debts, administer sales ledger. Instead that you can concentrate on the other major areas of your business and improve your efficiency. You can use this money to invest in stock, real estate†¦ Cost – Naturally, one of the key considerations when thinking about factoring solutions is the amount it will cost. Obviously it will mean that profit margins are reduced when the factor’s service fee is taken into account. However, factoring your invoices is still cheaper than using credit cards, overdrafts or many other forms of finance. Factoring also gives you set fees, whereas credit cards and overdrafts costs can build up if you keep using them and not paying them off in full. Speed – Factoring allow you to capitalise on your invoices with a minimum of delay. You can get up to 85% of the invoice within 24 hours, helping to maintain a good working cashflow rather than requiring you to wait 30/60 days for a customer to pay (If they pay on time! . This is particularly useful if you get a large order that requires you to spend on stock and production costs before you get paid; factoring allows you to accept the order with much less risk to your cashflow. Security – Factoring does not require you to use your home or business assets as security for the finance, as the money is secured on the sales you have already made. Bear in mind though that some factoring companies will not want to fac tor risky invoices; as they carry the risk rather than you. Suitable for Businesses of All Sizes- One big advantage of factoring is that it is potentially suitable for businesses of all sizes; especially now there are invoice finance firms that are targeted at small businesses and their needs. The above listed advantage do not mean that the factoring operation are totally free from any limitation. Some of main limitations of such transaction are listed below: Reputation – Some less reputable invoice finance companies can damage your customer relations by being too aggressive in collecting factored invoices. However, you can avoid this problem by choosing a well known and reputable firm. Control – Factoring reduces the control you have over your debts, as the invoice finance company collects them for you. However, this also means less work on your part. factoring can have a negative impact on the way a business operates. * The factor usually takes over the maintenance of the sales ledger. Customers may prefer to deal with the company it is trading with rather than a factor. However, if the factor’s techniques are clearly agreed beforehand, there will usually be no problem. * Factoring may impose constraints on the way to do business. For non-recourse factoring, most factors will want to pre-approve customers, which may cause delays. The factor will apply credit limits to individual customers (though these should be no lower than prudent credit control would suggest). * The client company might only want the finance arrangements and yet it might feel it is paying for collection services they do not really need. * Ending a factoring arrangement can be difficult where the only exit route is to repurchase the sales ledger or to switch factors and that could cause a sudden shortfall in your working capital.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

E-commerce Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

E-commerce - Literature review Example E-commerce will embody the selling of anything from goods and services by the use of internet using computers that are linked together. Gunasekaran and Ngai (2005) in contrast to Adham & Ahmad (2005) argue that beyond being strictly committed to internet businesses, e-commerce also involves improvement in business functions for traditional retailers. They also argue that it also helps face many businesses tasks including development, marketing, communication, sales and more. These innovations in prevailing business functions radicallydevelop productivity, sales and more. According to Gunasekaran and Ngai (2005) and Shin-Ping (2008), e-commerce is doing various businesses via the internet, since these days the world has become a web in which one has to worry about other businesses, and have an interaction, collaboration and exchanging of various business data with other businesses. However, Boateng, Heeks, Molla and Hinson (2008) there is some concern about the security of e-commerce and this is done through the examination of the current status of the framework under the e-Privacy Directive, and contemplation concerning the inclusion of a harmonized framework in the Data Protection Directive. Their findings show that in order for these connections to happen, there has to be a connection between one organization and another. E-commerce enables information interchange on demand to a unified platform where a company can connect to all its partners and customers and integrate easily. Many companies tend to work together for producing ecommerce platforms whichimprove their customers’ experience as it increases their brand awareness. According to Blythe (2012), Bharadwaj and Soni (2007) and Sumanjeet (2010), for these companies to achieve this, they have to ensure that their websites are compatible with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), easy to use by the customers and other back-end prospective, and it was

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nuclear arms race during the Cold War Research Paper

Nuclear arms race during the Cold War - Research Paper Example 6). An increasing distrust of communism developed among most Americans by the end of the war. Their aim was to ‘hide’ nuclear secrets from Soviet hands. America had a monopoly on nuclear weapons, which ensured that Russia was more manageable from a political point of view. Tension brewed between these two states, and sparked a nuclear arms race. The nuclear arms race was a period where several countries developed and examined the power of a myriad of nuclear technology. They kept buffer stocks of thousands of nuclear weapons with an aim of being ahead of one another. Power was tested by the country with the best technology. This was a dangerous era, since the possibility of an all-out nuclear war between countries always loomed. The 20th century had a fair share of near catastrophes and uneasy international policies (Swift p. 14). The Cold War did not make it into the 21st century. Its history explains a period where nations increased their quality and quantity of ‘tools’ of military power; â€Å"An arms race.† This period was first encountered in the 19th century where Russia and France confronted Britain’s naval superiority. Germany had attempted to outdo Britain’s fleet, and the effects spilled over into World War I. After the war between Britain, Japan, and the United States, an arms-limitation treaty took place at the Washington Conference. The degree of tension among nations was high. Nations were incited to develop and test weapons that would wipe out an entire generation. This regime lasted up to November, 1990, when the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty was signed. The entire generation lived under the shadow of looming catastrophe; the survival of humanity was questionable. Any provocation or misunderstanding could have initiated the extinction of humanity. Stockpiles of weapons were developed to levels far beyond

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Police corruption in New York City Research Paper

Police corruption in New York City - Research Paper Example Introduction Police corruption is a type police misconduct through which police officers seeks personal advantage or gain like career advancement or money, through abusing power, e.g. accepting inducement or bribes in exchange for selectively pursuing or not pursuing and arrest or investigation. Accurate or precise information concerning the prevalence of corruption by police is not easy to come by because the corruption practices happen in private and secrets, in addition, police departments have very little incentive to publish corruption information. Researchers as well as police officials have argued that in most state police departments, large scale police corruption not only prevail, but have also been institutionalized. Some of the general police corruption acts prevalent in police state departments include: corruption of authorities, kickbacks, opportunistic thefts, shakedowns, protection of illegal activity, fixing, direct criminal activities, internal payoffs, police hazing, frameup, an d ticket fixing among others. New York is one state where police corruption has been noted in masses, and therefore this paper seeks to discuss the police corruption in New York City. Examples of police corruption activities and event in New York City include: NYPD subway sodomy scandal; kidnapping, robbery and torture of drug dealer; NYPD Muslim surveillance controversy; NYPD rape cops scandal; the 2011 ticket fixing scandal; Tompkins Square Park riot; Mafia cops; and various shooting and arrests among others (Hopson 12). Corruption incidences in New York City Since the founding of New York Police Department in 1844, scandals of corruption have warranted investigations by commissions about every twenty years right at the beginning by the 1894 Lexow Committee, the 1914 Curran Committee, the 1932 Seabury Commission, the 1949 Helfand Commission, the 1970 Knapp Commission, and the 1993 Mollen Commission. Almost until 1980's, police corruption often involved some form of extortion or vi ce consisting of payments to officers in order to escape arrest or prosecution for a crime or a violation. In the early 1970s and late 1960's, narcotic police corruption emerged. Police officers discovered that the small amounts of money relatively obtained from the shakedown were almost nothing in comparison to the hundreds and thousands of dollars obtained from narcotics shakedowns. In practice, the large amounts of money temptation available from drug trafficking is a major challenge facing the New York Police Department and the New York City entirely. This has prompted numerous discoveries of possible solutions to the predicament: having more supervisory positions within the police department would increase the oversight of subordinate officers; hiring procedures and practices with ability to screen out all but the best police candidates maximize the pool of police officers with good conduct and character; higher salaries for police officers would reduce the attraction to drug m oney; and increased external and internal police monitoring would increase the awareness of the tempted police officers of the likelihood of detecting corrupt behavior and severely punished. However, the police corruption acts are still witnessed and detected in New York City (Lawrence 14). New York Police officers have experienced allegations of taking bribes recently in order to help family and friends get out of traffic and parking violations by losing their paperwork. For reasons of various police corruption cases that arise, NYPD has reallocated into police department, lawyers responsible for trials against New York police officers. The over 400 police officers indicted in these allegations apparently accused of throwing away summons paperwork in order to prevent tickets from ending up at the adjudicating agencies. The paperwork often vanishes mysteriously over night shifts before processing, which kills the trail of the ticket. In some cases, documents are changed in order to reflect

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

National Incident Management Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

National Incident Management Systems - Essay Example It is set procedures, policies, personnel, equipment and facilities that are have been integrated to become a common structure of an organization that has been designed for the improvement of emergency response operations of any type or complexity (U.S. Department of Labor , 2015). 2. The Incident Commander also referred to as the Unified commander is the person responsible for every aspect concerning a response, which include management of incident operations and development of the objectives of the incident. Even though he/she has responsibilities, there is lack of a code of ethics. It would be better if he/ she had one since it would regulate his/her behavior as well as establish limits on the same (U.S. Department of Labor , 2015). 3. A concrete enforceable code of ethics would help professionals like IC perform their jobs better since its designation is to perform with honesty and integrity. Ii would also establish how the professionals would approach problems. 1. The DHS with congresses’ support has in a significant manner adapted as well as improved its ability to identify threats by means of a layered risk based system, in response to 9/11 as well as developing threats. Currently, about fifty one thousand transport security officers, behavior detection officers as well as transport inspection officers do serve at frontlines in over four hundred and fifty United States airports. Before 9/11, there only existed limited requirements of federal security for baggage and cargo screening. The transport security administration secure flight program the DHS does conduct a passenger watch-list matching of one hundred percent for covered United States plane operator as well as foreign air carrier planes that fly within, out of and into the US (Department of Homeland Security, 2013). 2. An example of a recent aviation incident is the Trans Asia Airways

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Passive movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Passive movements - Essay Example To optimise the benefits from the passive movements and passive therapeutic exercises, more experimental evidence needs to be gathered in order to better understand things like specific tissue effects and physiological mechanims of action involved (Frank et al. 1987). A clinical approach utilizing skilled, specific hands-on techniques, including but not limited to manipulation and mobilization, used by the physical therapist to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures for the purpose of modulating pain; increasing range of motion (ROM); reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation; inducing relaxation; improving contractile and non-contractile tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability; facilitating movement; and improving function (AAOMPT, 1999). Some recent research has demonstrated significantly better outcomes for patients who used manual therapy in conjunction with other forms of therapy, such as exercise and proprioception training, than when manual therapy was used alone (Jull et al. 2002). Within manual therapy, the administration of passive movements is generally denoted by the term "mobilization". The APTA (American Physical Therapy Association), and the AAOMPT (American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy) define mobilization as a manual therapy technique comprised of a continuum of skilled passive movements to joints and/or related soft tissues that are applied at varying speeds and amplitudes, including a small amplitude/high velocity therapeutic movement (Olson, 2004). In this essay, we are specifically concerned with joint mobilization, which differs from soft-tissue mobilization (massage therapy) or manipulation (chiropractic). We shall be discussing the specific physiological pathways underlying the manifest effects of passive movements. We shall begin, though, by better familiarizing ourselves with the nature and scope of passive movements as they are employed in a clinical setting. Neurophysiological Response to Joint Mobilization Physiotherapy aims to bring about musculoskeletal rehabilitation. To this end, PT prominently involves the use of a combination of exercise and manual therapy techniques. Joint mobilization is a manual therapy procedure involving loosening up of the restricted joints and increasing their range of motion by providing slow velocity and increasing amplitude movement directly into the barrier of a joint, moving the actual bone surfaces on each other in ways which individuals with compromised musculoskeletal function cannot move by themselves. By subjecting motion-restricted joints to gentle movement through a particular segment of the full range, joint receptors can be by and by reeducated to allow a range of motion. Such release from stiffness happens with a concomitant relief from pain in most cases. Administation of passive movements to an affected joint can lead to restoration of the optimal length of muscle fibres, besides resulting in the reduction of the pain-spasm cycle (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1991). A joint can primarily move in two ways: a) in physiological movements consisting of extension, flexion,

Monday, September 23, 2019

International Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words - 1

International Economics - Essay Example In the case of a country’s competitiveness, it is directly associated with its economic activities and complex international trade condition (Wong & Grinols 1995).It is therefore clear that countries with substantial economic activities and potential earnings are viewed to be competitive enough to play their part in the worldwide economy. In the same way, those countries with poor economic performances are most likely known or called for their incapacity to compete in the world’s economic activities. This is eventually true when one has to try to take a look at the right measures used in economic performances. Adam Smith and David Ricardo and other economists come to agree that the competitive advantage of a certain location may be due to its local availability of resources for production purposes (Sachs & Warner 2001). However, it is not all the time that those countries with enough supply of resources may stand competitive over the other. In the same way, a country with arable lands does not necessarily mean economic competitiveness in its part. Most likely, the availability of enough manpower does not automatically mean a competitive advantage. If factor of international trade and factor input mobility are not considered, a certain region or country with larger resources can be capable of producing goods and services compared to other market or economy (Easterly & Levine 2003). In this paper the proponent elaborately discusses the extent to which factor availability is no longer an effective explanation of the competitiveness of regions or countries. There are other important factors t hat need to be elaborately discussed in order to understand further the true nature of competitiveness of a country. Some other countries have become so intensively competitive due to their political control or power in the world wide economy. There are other environmental issues that need to be considered and in the end it is important to create a link of them to the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mahatma Gandhi Essay Example for Free

Mahatma Gandhi Essay An acquaintance of mine is a highly paid professional lacking none of life’s luxuries. He plays the violin as a hobby and frequently plays in a public space, placing a jar in front of him so that passers-by can contribute money to show their appreciation. Other musicians play in that space, but they move on if another musician is already there. His actions suggest, to me, that he’s a struggling musician in need of financial assistance, but he’s collecting dollar bills from people who may be less fortunate financially than he. Your thoughts on the ethics of this? NAME WITHHELD, NEW YORK The reason this strikes you as problematic has to do with your view of what this man is doing. You see his actions as a request for undeserved charity. He sees his actions as a performance that has potential value. And he is correct. Part of your argument is based on the premise that your acquaintance is occupying a common space that could better serve a less fortunate peer. That contention would make sense if the guy were panhandling. But that is not what he’s doing. He’s creating art for public consumption; he is, by the strictest definition of the term, a professional musician. While not charging for this work, he’s still saying, â€Å"I believe my music has value — and if you agree, pay me whatever amount you think is justified.† He’s not expecting people to give him money just because he’s standing there. That people less wealthy than he is might be generating his revenue is irrelevant. If you go to a Metallica concert, you would have a hard time finding one person in the entire arena who’s richer than the band’s drummer. Does this mean Metallica should provide free tickets to every member of their audience who makes less money than they do? I suppose you could make the case that they should. But it wouldn’t be a very good one. THE GRAPE THIEF A man goes to the supermarket and passes a table of fruit. His eye meets a luscious bunch of seedless grapes. The man puts the grapes in a plastic bag and proceeds to eat one, before having them weighed to determine the price. Is this an unethical act? Is it stealing? Why is stealing even unethical? MAYA AZOURI, TORONTO The first two parts of your question are not particularly meaningful. Is this stealing? Yes (the man took something he didn’t pay for). Is it unethical? Yes (although the value of one grape is so minor that it impedes on the livelihood of no one). The third aspect of your query, however — why is stealing unethical — is intriguing. The answer seems so obvious that it’s almost never questioned, even though it might not be obvious at all. I approached this question by working though all the existing reasons people don’t steal on a regular basis. The first is that it’s illegal; we don’t steal things because we’ve communally agreed that there is a justified, enforceable penalty for doing so. Another reason has to do with the influence of religion; pretty much whatever religious text you accept tautologically states that stealing is wrong because â€Å"stealing is wrong.† A third reason is tied to the design of our economic framework: If people can just pilfer whatever they desire, nothing will have monetary value (in the example you cite, the man who harvests the grapes can’t earn a living if those grapes can be freely taken by whoever wants them). But let’s keep going. Let’s move into a â€Å"Mad Max† scenario: If we lived in a lawless, secular, money-free society, would stealing still be wrong? It would. And this is because the alternative would make us nervous and unhappy. Part of this problem has to do with the philosophical concept of ownership. Can objects truly be â€Å"owned† by someone, or is this just a word we use to describe an unreal proviso? The more you think about that question, the more complicated it becomes. But it ultimately doesn’t matter, because we’ve collectively decided to live as though ownership isreal. We believe our possessions are extensions of ourselves. So if stealing were an acceptable practice — if we lived in a world in which people just took whatever they wanted, simply because there was no clear argument for doing otherwise — our lives would be consumed by anxiety. We would live in constant fear and spend all our energy protecting our possessions. Traveling would become impossible, because we couldn’t go anywhere without bringing along everything we owned. People would be less motivated to create things, because they would have no way of stopping others from taking away those creations. Violence would increase exponentially. Though I’m not sure if we’re ethically obligated to make the lives of others better, we are ethically obligated not to make the lives of others worse. And that’s what stealing does: it makes it impossible for other people to pursue their own happiness. It destabilizes society. In your supermarket example, the level of instability is so negligible that there’s no impact; it’s almost as if that level of theft is built into our lives as a release valve from morality. But if you extrapolate the grape thief’s actions outward and upward, it doesn’t take long before

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Capital raising Essay Example for Free

Capital raising Essay The market today is divided between Flash memories and hard disk drive. While both currently undergo tremendous increases in performance, they also face severe limitations for the mid term future (2015). Beyond the technological barrier Several physical factors related to the magnetic medium that stores the data bits are limiting the increase of density for hard disk drive technology but also for Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) that shows great promise in delivering fast read nd write performance with non-volatility in a single technology. SILTENE has developed a back end solution to treat magnetic materials for enhancing their performances, reducing manufacturing costs and improving yield for both HDD and MRAM applications. Beneficial market SILTENE targets the Hard Drive Disk and MRAM markets. Three companies share the 50 billion dollars HDD market. These companies cooperate to develop new standards for ultrahigh-density devices. The MRAM market is still emerging but it should grow very rapidly in the next few years (1 billion predicted by 2018). Analysts consider MRAM as the universal memory as they have the potential to replace Flash, SRAM and DRAM memories in the near future. Our mission SILTENE aims to become the leader in advanced magnetic materials for high performance, low power Hard Disk Drive and MRAM applications and plans to establish a new manufacturing standard by developing advanced processes and associated treatment tools compatible with large scale. Our technology is currently being tested with hard disk drive and MRAM companies. A highly dynamic team and an influential network Cyril Torre, is the president C. F. O of the company. He holds a PhD in science and studied entrepreneurship at Ecole Centrale and HEC Paris. Dafln © Ravelosona, C. E. O C. T. O, holds a PhD in physics and is a known worldwide expert in spintronics. He also worked for 2 years in the HDD research center of Hitachi GST and is currently group leader at CNRS. He also studied entrepreneurship at HEC Paris. Antonio Villari, C O O, holds a P D in physics. He is a world-renowned expert in development ot ion source and was C. O. O at Pantechnik for 10 years (world leader in Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion sources). The advisory board of SILTENE is composed of world- renowned scientists, entrepreneurs and business developer (E. Fullerton, A. Kent, R. Cowburn, A. Steiner) Fundraising to develop the company SILTENE has raised 500k‚ ¬ of seed funding from public aid (OSEO emergence in 2011 and OSEO cr ©ation-d ©veloppement in 2012) and has been awarded several innovation prizes. SILTENE is now looking for private fundraising of 1 M‚ ¬ as a first step to enhance its RD and build up an industrial prototype.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Success Factors for International Students in the UK

Success Factors for International Students in the UK INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS NEED MORE THAN PROFICIENT VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN A BRITISH UNIVERSITY The English language is both a bridge and barrier for international students. As well as it allows to cross borders and access education in variety of fields. Although, many people believe that international students need more than proficient vocabulary and grammar to be successful in a British university is acceptable, I think in reverse manner and agree to given statement. Different kinds of courses place differing language demands on. Government authorities in the UK seem to be under ever-greater pressure to regulate language proficiency levels to ensure that students entering the country have a reasonable chance of succeeding academics. My inclination is justified in the following paragraphs. Out of all the arguments the strongest one to prove my argument is they should have the listening skills to here fully in their lectures and students are writing on papers in their native language and changing them to English, Through some kind of google translator or similar program. As well as, student is even paying professional services to write their essays for them, and this is all due to a poor grasp of the English. This is to say a student does not have a proficient ability in English grammar and vocabulary, they will not be successful studying in a UK university. A good example for this is Language ability is possibly the most important challenge affecting international students in British higher education. Besides this, I mean lectures were deeply frustrated with the high proportion of language errors appearing in assignments submitted by international students. The other reason to prove my point is international students do not have the linguistic skills to understand comp lex academic texts, meaning they have been unable to achieve good results. Fraudulent tests could also be a problem. Many students were failing due to language, so they decided recently to re-test them upon arrival. Still a barrier to success for international students. The other reason to prove my point is students themselves reported difficulty in comprehending lectures to a combination of poor listening skills and lack of vocabulary. As well as, many international students are struggling linguistically. In addition, the fact to enter British university, in theory must have achieved a certain level of English and standardized tests. The importance of vocabulary is demonstrated daily in and out of the university. In classroom, the achieving students possess the most sufficient vocabulary. On the contrary, some people counter claim the mentioned support. In addition, many students are coached to pass these tests and therefore they are not a true indicator of a students language level. Many international students do not have the linguistic strength to truly achieve a university degree in the UK. In addition, the fact is language proficiency is at the core of writing but, academic writing involves more than an accurate knowledge of grammar. As well as , true problem for international student written assignments in UK universitys is not language related errors, it is their lack of familiarity with academic conventions. For example, such as how to correctly structure an essay, and therefore how to provide an academic argument. On the contrary, some people counter claim the mentioned support. The foremost argument is they do is for international students, reports, essay, and dissertations will have to be written in a style that is unfamiliar to them. Also, own language would not be acceptable for a British reader. Thus, to wrap up the discussion, it can be said that despite even though all international students in the study had been admitted to their degree courses on the basis that their level of English would be sufficient to be successful on the course, the correlation between their scores in the password knowledge test and their academic grade averages was positive or strong and there should be no pretenses that grammatical and lexical accuracy and inaccuracy are inconsequential of course there are good reasons to have relatively wide access to UK universities for international students and to ensure the barrier represented by English proficiency requirements is unnecessarily high. My reasons are logically acceptable. Bibliography Reference 1 Reference 2 Text 1 from reading and writing pamphlet UNIT 6.1 reading to writing TEXT 1 Reference 3 Text 2 from reading and writing pamphlet UNIT 6.1 reading to writing TEXT 2

Thursday, September 19, 2019

temptopia Theme of Utopianism in The Tempest Essay -- The Tempest Essa

Theme of Utopianism in The Tempest      Ã‚   One traditional theme of The Tempest is Utopianism. Whether it be of physical significance, as Walter Cohen suggests in his essay "Shakespeare and Calderon in an Age of Transition," or of literary significance, as Judith Boss suggests in her essay "The Golden Age, Cockaigne, and Utopia in the The Faerie Queene and The Tempest," it is an important piece of literature in contribution to Utopianism. Judith Boss does an excellent job in breaking down Utopianism within The Tempest into three different categories, the Golden Age, Cockaigne, and Utopia. All three are implemented, or can be derived from The Tempest. In Walter Cohen’s essay, he suggests that Shakespeare wrote The Tempest by no coincidence near the end of his career and life because it was an argument, or representation, of what England’s foreign policy was. It also predetermined in a way where England was headed politically. Judith Boss does an exceptional critique of The Tempest in identifying Utopianism. She presents three classic forms of Utopianism and illustrates how they are represented in the play. Gonzalo’s speech can be seen as a representation of Montaign’s essay "Of the Caniballes." Gonzalo’s human nature and person can be viewed as a "normal man" in Cockaigne theory. And, Prospero’s actions and status on the island can be considered as a sort of political, philosophical Utopia. The Golden Age The whole idea of a Golden Age being possible is something that traces back in literary history through many plays, essays and other treatises carrying this theme. It became rather accelerated by the Renaissance writers who chose to implement it into their writings. The possibility of a Golden Age is taken with th... ...for this. She has been raised on the somewhat "utopian" island most of her conscious life. Even though I think that Shakespeare was trying to disprove a Utopia he leaves Miranda to represents man’s last hope and possibility for a utopia. Works Cited and Consulted Boss, Judith E. "The Golden Age, Cockaigne, and Utopia in The Faerie Queene and The Temepest." Georgia Review 26 (1972) 145-55. Cohen, Walter. "Shakespeare and Calderon in an Age of Transition." Genre 15 (1983), 123-37. Hill, Christopher. The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution. London: Temple Smith, 1972. Maus, Katherine Eisaman. "Arcadia Lost: Politics and Revision in the Restoration Tempest." Renaissance Drama 13 (1982): 189-209. Wolf, A. A History of Science, Technology and Philosophy in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Vol. 2. New York: Harper, 1959.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Exchange Student :: Personal Narrative Writing

The Exchange Student I remember when Camy came to live with our family for a year. It seemed my mother had been pestering me for months about the idea of hosting an AFS student. Long before she even crossed the Atlantic from Italy on an airplane, Camy entered the daily conversations and thoughts of my mother. To be precise, I believe it was April of my junior year in high school. "Do we have to talk about this now?" I kept asking, wanting to push the idea into some sort of vacuum that sucked it to the back of my mind. "You’ll love her," my mom said. "We’ve heard such good things about her from the Mudge family. They hosted her cousin Checo." "I hate how you always try to make me do things," I said, slightly raising the level of my voice. "Eric, now you know I’ve never made you do anything you didn’t want to do." I was ready for her though. "Oh yeah, what about the horseback riding lessons in first grade that I had to take?" I said, recalling the image of the seven-year-old perched on top of a brown pony with the reigns in hand, as the over-sized riding helmet slid from his forehead down over his eyes. I stopped those lessons as soon as my instructor told me the next step was learning the gallop. "And what about the swimming lessons with that awful lady who made me put my face in the water and count to ten." This time I saw my instructor, sitting by the edge of the pool, her navy swimsuit fit snugly to her body, spreading out the excess flab of her pale thighs. I remember looking at her the instant before I went under, hoping she would give me a last second reprieve from my face plunging exercise. Instead, all I saw was her wide grin, and all I heard was the lapping of the pool water against its sides. "Oh Eric," my mom said. "You’re really impossible some times." "Thanks mom, thanks," I said. And with that, I had managed to put the decision on hold one more time. That is, until my father brought it up at the dinner table a month later. I’m sure we were having my dad’s legendary spaghetti and sauce the night they picked Camy. I often wonder if my father had truly planned pasta night because he wanted to discuss an Italian girl coming to live with us for a year.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Spatial Database Systems and Management Multidimensional Discrete Data

Spacial database systems offer the underlying database technology for geographic information systems and other applications. Several terms have been used to describe database systems offering such support, including pictorial image, geometric, geographic, and spatial. The terms pictorial database system and image arise from the fact that the data to be managed are often initially captured in the form of digital raster images, remote sensing by satellites, or compuer tomography in medical applications. Spatial database management involves two main categories of data: vector and raster data. The former has received a lot of in-depth investigation; the latter still lacks a sound frmaework. Current DBMSs either regard raster data as pure byte sequence where the DBMS has no knowledge about the underlying semantics, or they do not complement array structures with storage mechanisms suitable for huge arrays, or they are designed as specialized systems with sophisticated imaging functionality, but no general database capabilities. We will discuss some of the aspects of spatial data, spatial databae and it's management. In various fields, there is a need to manage geometric, geographic, or spatial data. The space of interest can be, for example, the 2-D abstraction of the earth's surface, or the images of human body including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR), ultrasonography(US), projectional computed radiography (CR) etc. These medical imaging systems have revolutionized the means by which images are acquired, providing views of anatomical cross-sections and physiological state. This revolution in the acquisition of radiological information has not yet brought about a parallel revolution in the intelligent management, visualization, integration, or knowledge extraction from data produced by these digital imaging system. In the discipline of visualization,where the areas of computer graphics, image processing, computer vision, computer-aided design, signal processing, and user interface studies converge into one unifying framework for the processing of visual information, several representation of a scene are distinguished. Kromker (1991) proposes a visualization reference model that is particularly suitable for database investigations because classification is done along the data structure on hand. Three of the six layers introduced in this reference model are relevant for DBMSs that deal with visualization structure: 1. The Symbolic Representation Layer deals with abstract scene descriptions, but without an explicit description of geometry and properties of the entities modeled. 2. The Geometry/Feature Layer covers geometric descriptions, appearance properties, and viewing parameters. Vector graphics would be a subset of such data structure. 3. On the Digital Pixel Layer, a scene is discretized in both space and color, yielding a raster image. A raster image consists of a finite set of points in the discrete coordinate space Z(d) where each point has some value, its color, associated. There is no algorithm that performs reasonably well on any kind of image and under all corcumstances; above all, images frequently contain information that cannot be cast into points, lines, and regions bounded by lines, because the boundary cannot be recognized without doubt (e.g., tumors in medical imagery), or because there is no clear boundary (e.g., density distributions such as clouds in weather satellite images). In summary, both vector and raster representation are important for spatial data management, because each of them has pacific strengths and weaknesses; moreover, both representations are independent from each other in the sense that there is no lossless transformation between them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Organizational behavior in Southwest Airlines Essay

Organizational behavior is a tool that any organisation that wants to be successful must use in order to attain its goals and objectives. Organizational behavior interprets all the relationships in an organization and manipulates them in order to attain the organizational objectives. The relationships that are assessed include the relationships between the organization and a person, people, groups and the society in general. The major goal of organizational behavior is to improve all these relationships so that in the process, the organizational objectives can be achieved. It is a broad concept that can be viewed from different dimensions. Organizational behavior has many elements which are dictated by the management’s approach to operations of an organization. The approach used determines the culture in an organization. Culture is the way in which an organization carries out its activities, including the communication links, leadership style, and other dynamics which workers derive their motivation from. The motivation determines the performance and growth of the organization. Four models are usually used within organizations, and the model used is determined by the management strategy. The first model is the autocratic model and it vests power with the management, according to Davidson (2003). He says that the employees are required to obey the chain of command and that this approach does not usually yield high performance results. The second model is the custodial model and it is geared towards rewarding the employees according to the performance. This type of approach does not yield optimum performance results as employees cooperate with the management passively. The third model, he further explains, is the supportive model and this model stresses the need for a leadership structure that supports employees in terms of performance. This approach motivates the employees to achieve optimal performance. The last model is the collegial model and this emphasizes team work among employees in performance of their duties. It encourages discipline and responsibility thus achieving moderate performance results. It is important to note that most organizations use a combination of the models to achieve their goals. Organizational structure Southwest airlines was started in 1971 by Herb Kelleher and Rolling King, according to Harris (2001). The reasoning behind the idea, he says, was that passengers would use an airline if the airline reached the destination on time, was reasonably priced and if passengers enjoyed their flights. That idea is what has propelled Southwest airlines to be the among the top four largest airlines in the United States. Every year, the airline transports over 60 million passengers across 30 states using over 300 air-crafts (Cohan, 2003). The airline specializes in the low-fare transport and it has a model that is so impressive that it is being emulated by other airlines. The success of Southwest Airline can be attributed to the organizational approaches that are used in the daily operations of the airline. The organization uses certain concepts of organizational behavior that help the management achieve the goal of the airline. One of the concepts that Southwest Airline uses is the organizational structure. This is the nature of relationships along the hierarchical structure of the organization. The organizational structure usually determines how the operations of the airline are carried out. This is because it guides the sharing of responsibilities among the employees according to their ranks. In the Southwest Airline, some people describe the organizational structure as a pyramid that is inverted. This implies that the people that are at the top levels of management go to the bottom levels to motivate the employees. This is a characteristic that is featured in the supportive model. When the managers talk to the people at the lower levels of management and listen to their views, they end up motivating their employees. Herb Kelleher, one of the founders of Southwest Airlines is reported to have stayed in a bar until the wee hours of the morning so that he could talk to his mechanic and hear his views concerning the airline. His leadership style ensures that everyone participates in the making of a decision. This is important since it ensures that everyone is bound by decisions they make as opposed to decisions being imposed upon them. Kelleher tries to motivate his employees to be open minded and to express themselves freely without constraints such as ranks between themselves. Kelleher is at the forefront of practicing what he believes in and is said to know names of almost all of his employees. This organizational structure is reflected even in the board where the directors are elected by shareholders. This enables all stakeholders to have confidence in the running of the airline as they have a right to choose the people who run the airline. The management of Southwest Airlines is very keen to reduce bureaucracy as it is aware of the negative effects it has in an organization. This is done through decentralizing responsibilities to the employees. The Southwest Aviation organizational structure is in such a way that employees have access to information. The rationale behind it, is that it is important for employees to have unlimited information so that they can make independent decisions, which is vital in a dynamic industry like aviation. This structure also takes care of the needs of the clients. There are links available in the airline’s website that address any complaints and suggestions that the clients may have. There are also avenues where customers write letters expressing the same, and the management makes sure all the letters are replied to. In fact, customers write over one thousand letters every week and each letter gets a reply within one month. At times, the schedule of flights may be changed in order to cater for the needs of frequent fliers. Motivation. This is the focus of energy towards the achievement of a certain goal. The motivation of someone to do something may arise from internal forces such as interests and beliefs or external forces such as danger. There are several things that the management can do to motivate employees. One, the management should align the goals of the organization with the needs of the employees. This means that the nature of jobs that the employees do should be aligned with their beliefs. For example, if the company conducts its affairs in a fraudulent manner, the employees are also likely to perpetrate fraud against the company. The company should also reward good behavior since it will motivate the employees to work harder. The rewards need not be big, a ‘thank you note’ is sufficient. The senior managers should set good examples to their employees by obeying the rules they set so that the employees can also do the same. Another factor that brings motivation to employees is development of morale and team spirit. This means that the working environment should be pleasant to the employees and they should look forward to going to work. The employees should also identify with the company. Participation is another factor that can increase motivation. This means that the employees participate in the making of decisions and solving of problems to ensure that they feel as part of the process and are thus bound by it. Southwest Airline was the first airline in the United States to begin a profit sharing plan, with its employees. It began sharing its profits with its employees in 1974 and has done it since then. In the year 2000, Southwest Airline offered its employees $138 million in the profit sharing plan (McConnell, 2002). This is a major motivation to the employees since they feel appreciated by the airline. This incentive also motivates them to work harder so that the following year they can get higher benefits. Besides these benefits, there are other incentives and awards, like ’employee of the month’ award. However, an unusual way of praising employees is visible in a bill board at Southwest Airline’s headquarters in Dallas. The billboard praises the employees of Southwest Airline for making Kelleher’s dream come true. The corridors are further lined with photographs of parties that employees attended in order to complete the picture. In case of illnesses or child birth, the employees are given presents by the airline (Cohan, 2003). All this demonstrates to the employees that they are the most important assets of the the company. Southwest Airline goes a step further and trains over twenty thousand employees every year in its own university. The university teaches the employees values of the airline and encourages open minded thinking. Southwest Airline is also very supportive of its employees in terms of encouragement to come up with new ideas or doing the same things, differently. An example is ‘walk a mile in my shoes’ program where co-workers exchange jobs with their colleagues from different departments for one day in order to experience what the other employees go through. Lastly, the greatest motivation from the airline comes from Kelleher. He has a great sense of humor, he has ‘hands on’ style of leadership and has a vision that inspires employees to work harder to achieve. Some people actually regard Southwest Airline as the most friendly airline in the United States. Power and politics Politics is present in all aspects of society. Politics creates power and thus an impact that is felt by everyone in the society. It is virtually impossible to separate politics from society (Hessian, 2000). Politics is present in educational institutions, in religion and other elements of a social network. Eventually, politics finds its way into the business world. It is important to prevent politics from interfering with the operations of a company as this prevents the company from achieving its goals and could lead to its downfall. There are however positive aspects that come about as a result of power and politics in an organization. Large companies are able to seal deals, merge with other companies, acquire the smaller companies and so on. Others are the economies of scale, that include the ability to acquire loans from banks, discounts from suppliers due to buying in bulk and the goodwill that attracts customers to the company as a result of being a brand name. Southwest is a very big airline, and the fact that it is among the four largest airlines in the United States guarantees that it is powerful. Its strategy to cater for low cost customers has seen it grow and own over three hundred air-crafts, all Boeing models. The power means that the airline is susceptible to political interference. This is something that the board should guard against. Unfortunately, there have been a few weaknesses in the airline as a result of power and politics. Southwest Airline offers coach seats and it does not offer in-flight meals, it just offers snacks. This is as a result of the growth that it has experienced due to investment in the low cost model. Unfortunately, other airlines have imitated the model due to its popularity. This is unfortunate since in the near future, the model will have become so common that passengers will no longer associate it with Southwest Airline. Another problem associated with the lack of in flight meals is that other airlines are taking full advantage of it when advertising since that is the only area that they are superior to Southwest Airline. Either due to power or politics, the airline does not pay attention to these perceived minute, but major details that may lead to its downfall. According to Brown (2001), regulators allowed Southwest Airline to violate safety regulations, on numerous occasions, without facing consequences. This arose because of the power that the airline has that enables it to have a close relationship with Federal officials. The report by the inspector general revealed that Southwest Airline had violated more regulations than it had been thought. The report also revealed that managers of the Federal Aviation Administration had negligently given the airline a pardon. It finally became clear that the airline violates safety regulations repeatedly. Further investigations revealed that the airline has violated at least eight regulations including an error that cost $10 million in fines. The fine led to some employees facing compulsory leave but that in many people’s opinion, is a case of ‘too little, too late’. This cannot be acceptable since flouting such regulations is not only gambling with the airline’s goodwill that has taken years to build, but it is gambling with people’s lives. Such negligent acts can be attributed to power and politics and should be avoided at all costs. The airline has also faced numerous lawsuits ranging from accusations of failure to inspect the plane before take off to negligently allowing a crash landing, in Illinois in 2005 which led to fatalities. It is important to note that before passengers choose an airline, they check the safety record. This is the reason that passenger traffic reduced after the September 11, 2001 attacks. In light of this, regardless of whether the airline is a major player or not, it will lose its customers if these kinds of allegations continue being reported. That will be the downfall of an airline whose reputation took years to build. The airline should be very wary when dealing with the lives of its passengers and should not take its power and support for granted. Conclusion. Southwest Airline has been transformed from being a simple idea to being one of the top players in the aviation industry. It has become evident that for an airline to succeed, it should target a specific class of customers and that it should take the welfare of its employees very seriously. Some of the best ways of motivating employees are inexpensive, a pat on the back can do a lot in raising the self esteem of an employee in an organization. Motivating the employees will help them achieve their potential. Bureaucracy should be eliminated to ensure free flow of information. Managers should work with the lower cadre employees in order to make them feel appreciated. Lastly, politics and power should be regulated to prevent interference with the workings of organizations. Southwest Aviation should correct the few weaknesses that it experiences and it will hopefully become the biggest airline in the United States in future.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Government Security Classifications Essay

In light of the growing controversy surrounding the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the Republican Party is claiming that she used her personal email account to send classified information. The United States classification system is currently established by Executive Order 13526 and has three levels of classification – Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. The lowest level of classification is Confidential. Confidential material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, â€Å"Any information that would cause damage or be prejudicial to national security if it were made available.† A variety of markings are used for material that is not classified, but whose distribution is limited administratively such as, For Official Use Only (FOUO), or Sensitive but unclassified (SBU). Although these items are marked unclassified, they are not to be sent via personal email. No special investigation is needed at this level for the individual other than â€Å"a need to know basis.† The second highest classification is Secret. Secret material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, â€Å"Any information that would cause ‘serious damage’ to national security if it were made public.† Most information that is classified is held at this level. In order to have a secret clearance, you must have an investigation into your back ground to ensure trustworthiness. This is usually conducted by a government agency. The highest level of classification is Top Secret. Top secret as defined in Executive Order 13526, â€Å"Shall be applied to information, unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause ‘exceptionally grave damage’ to the national security that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe.† It is believed that 1.4 million Americans have top secret clearances. Top secret clearances are usually given to specific individuals who pass a very stringent security background investigation. Individuals with this level of classification work at the top levels of our government. As you can see we have a government system in place to ensure that classified information is distributed accordingly throughout the government  to protect national security. In regards to Mrs. Clinton, do you think that she broke the rules by using her personal email account? The jury is still out on that investigation.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Computerized Sales Inventory System Essay

By having a plan of widening the Cunderdin-Quairading Road , conservation is still involved because the management involved in the operation were able to conserve the old and big trees. They are able to protect and enhance the environmental values of road reserves. By consulting to the Department of Environment and Conservation for a clearing permit gave them permission what trees to cut and remind them to be responsible enough on how to conserve nature despite of the more industrialized world for convenience. The study also increased the employees’ and community’ s awareness of roadside conservation. It can provide safe and efficient road access while balancing best practice environmental management. It only shows that conservation is not a hindrance to save nature even though we want to improve our community or to build business. It is just a matter of planning and remembering the environment. The study about Shire of Cunderdin: Cunderdin-Quairading Road is just an example of conservation issue that must be given attention. It shows that people are still aware of the conservation issues and trying to promote goodwill to save the planet for our future generation. II. Case Study Shire of Cunderdin: Cunderdin-Quairading Road – The Shire of Cunderdin undertook road upgrade works along the Cunderdin-Quairading Road during 2011. This upgrade was in response to the state government decision to close Tier 3 grain-freight railway lines which would result in increased grain freight traffic on local roads such as the Cunderdin-Quairading Road. The road works The road works included formation works, shoulder works, drainage works, overlay and widening. The object of the upgrade was to: * clear grass, some small vegetation and minimal trees * reform and improve drainage * box out shoulders to a depth of 10 centimetres * overlay old pavement 10 centimetres * widen the pavement to 9 metres with a seal width of 7 metres Grader, loaders and trucks were used for clearing and formation works. Where the major clearing was required, such as the removal of salmon gums, skid steers and a 3-ton excavator was used to manoeuvre in places where the large plant equipment couldn’t go. The road reserve along the Cunderdin-Quairading Road consists of open roadside vegetation dominated by salmon gum, york gum, acacia and sheoak species in a degraded condition, with a predominantly introduced under storey of agricultural weeds. There are no declared rare flora or threatened ecological communities along the Road. Clearing was selective and only to the extent needed. When applying to the Department of Environment and Conservation for a clearing permit, each tree or area to be cleared was recorded on a GPS, with a view to minimizing the number of trees to be cleared, and to preserve as many large trees along the road, while creating a safe and effect ive road for users. The amount and diversity of roadside vegetation was taken into account when widening the road, and where one side of the road was less diverse than the other, the road was widened on that side. Agricultural weeds were cleared from undergrowth, and low vegetation was cleared on two s-bends to create a better line of sight, which reduced the need for a complete s-bend realignment and subsequent major clearing. Other works along the Cunderdin-Quairading Road were carried out under exemption, as specified under Item 22 of Regulation 5 (and Schedule 2) of the WA Clearing Regulations which specifies clearing within the road maintenance zones. Future plans Although no conditions were placed on the permit, the shire plans to put in place a strategic offset program where tree planting and revegetation of degraded areas and exhausted gravel pits will be undertaken annually to offset any essential clearing of native vegetation along roadsides. Future offsets will include planting low lying native shrubs along cleared road reserves to maintain aesthetics, for weed control, and to join vegetation corridors. Offset plans for 2011-12 include the revegetation of an old road reserve that was left after the realignment of an s-bend on Doodenanning Road. Agreements have been made with the adjacent property owner to allow room for farm machinery access. The revegetation will link up with a small pocket of remnant vegetation on the landholder’s property and existing roadside vegetation.

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Research Paper on IFRS and Its Implications

A Research Paper on IFRS and Its Implications International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is a comprehensive, globally accepted set of accounting standards utilizing a principles-based approach with a greater emphasis on interpretation and application of those principles, aiming at best reflecting the economic substance of transactions. It is a less extensive body of literature than U.S. GAAP with limited industry guidance and lesser detailed application guidance. IFRS requires a much greater exercise of judgement, supported by detailed analysis and documentation. In other words, U.S. GAAP gives us a detailed instruction to the location where we would like to go where us IFRS will just guide us to the destination by showing us the direction. Today, more than 40% of the Global Fortune 500 are using IFRS. Stock exchanges in the 85 countries that require IFRS comprise 35% of the global market capitalization, compared to 25% of the global market capitalization held by U.S. exchanges   [ 1 ]   . IFRS is most likely to bec ome mandatory by beginning of 2014. Why IFRS? The question facing companies is not â€Å"If to adopt IFRS†, it is of â€Å"when and how† to adopt IFRS. With so many companies focused on managing through the economic downturn, few leadership teams are eager for one more big thing to do. Especially when that thing involves something as pervasive as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). But IFRS continues to be adopted by jurisdictions around the world. Taking the organization to IFRS will require managing change in multiple areas: technical accounting and tax, internal controls and processes, management and statutory reporting, technology infrastructure, and organizational issues. They’re all interconnected, which makes things a bit more complicated than imagined. IFRS relies more on general principles than detailed rules and bright lines. This means that the finance people will end up working much more closely with others in the organization to make judgments about accounting based on the underlying economics of transactions. A flurry of operational changes could be triggered by IFRS as well. Companies may have to re-examine contracts and debt agreements, treasury policies, employee benefits, education and training, and communications. Opportunities to centralize statutory accounting functions into shared service centers might also have to be looked at. A revisit of the offshoring, outsourcing, and tax planning decisions might also be required. Principle or Rule Based? At a global symposium held in the month of January where the Peter Wyman, a partner of PwC noticed a sea change in the debate surrounding the adoption of a uniform international accounting standard. The feeling was that IFRS will be adopted across the globe, the issues which were present were only of how it was to be done. There have been primarily been two major approaches to accounting namely rule based and principal based. UK and Europe have a principal based accounting system which allows greater discretion and use of professional judgement. On the other hand, US has been following rule based accounting system which was further strengthened after seeing the light of scandals such as Enron, etc. The major challenge for International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is to adapt IFRS so that it is agreeable to all the parties involved.

Organizational Process Recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Process Recommendation - Essay Example The control chart is basically a graph which is used to study the changes in processes over a particular period of time. The chart has a central line for the average, an n upper line which represents the upper control limit and a lower line which represents the lower control limits. The lines are determined using historical data. The comparisons of the current data to the above lines, a conclusion can be drawn about whether the variation in the process is consistent (implies process in control) or unpredictable (implies process out of control which are affected by special causes of variation). A control chart is based upon the statistical feature of normal distribution. The considerations of probability form the basis of the control limits. These basically depict whether the system in control are supported or not. The control charts can also be used to warn about the potential system problems. These charts also reveal the need for corrective action. Control charts are always prepared in real time. The procedure involves choosing an appropriate control chart for a particular data set, this is followed by determining the appropriate time period for plotting and collecting the data. The next step involves collecting the data, constructing the chart and analysing the data. Further the out of control signals on the control charts are determined and suitable steps to correct them are undertaken. The values that are obtained for repetitive measurements processes are plotted sequentially for evaluating the stability of the measurement process. These should be very similar to the test samples of interest. The absolute differences (R) of the duplicate measurements are sequentially plotted for evaluating the precision of management process. The average range which is related to the short term standard deviation. A t test is undertaken to assess whether the mean of the second set of data is has significant differences from the first set of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Terrorism in America Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Terrorism in America - Assignment Example   In Article 14, Jonathan Masters elucidates how militant extremism has posed the menace to the innocent Americans. The left-wing, right-wing, single issue groups, and homegrown Islamic are the four bands in which the FBI has branded domestic terrorism into. There is one more group known as lone offenders that can come under all the categories of domestic terrorism. Lone offenders are basically individuals who are not allied with any terrorist organization. America has the greatest danger from lone offenders as it is very difficult to identify and locate such individuals for the intelligence agencies but to our advantage, the lack of association of lone offenders from big gangs of terrorists makes their actions less effective (Masters, 2011). The four broad categories of domestic terrorism have been fashioned, based on their motives to spread terror in the country. The left-wing groups consider themselves as ‘protectors’ of the people against any kind of inhuman effects of capitalism and colonialism in the country whereas the single-issue groups fight against the laws and regulations that have a negative impact on the environment and are against the law of nature. Their attacks are based on the various political issues like abortion, environmental degradation, animal abuse or genetic engineering. According to the FBI, terrorists belonging to this group have executed thousands of attacks and posed a serious threat to the lives of many people. Much of sabotage has been spread by this group, and the FBI has failed to track down the culprits due to rigid secrecy in the group. Right wing terrorists emerged recently in the late 1980s and 1990s. They have diverse drives for their bouts like racial sovereignty, hatr ed and mistrust of the federal government and fundamentalist Christianity (Masters, 2011).   Furthermore, in the article Jonathan Masters argues whether America should amend its laws regarding the austere

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

South Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

South Africa - Research Paper Example The cultural diversity influences the business practices, working relations, business hierarchy, and business etiquette within South Africa. In extending its services to South Africa, it is quite significant for Kelly Services to understand the aspects of cultural diversity in South Africa’s business platform (Macleod, 2002). This report will detail the cultural aspects in South Africa’s business field and explain why South Africa will be a good target for Kelly Services. South Africans encourage good working relationships coupled with honesty, trust, and politeness. They have utmost respect for all and derive their moral values from their diverse culture (Bruckner, 2001). South Africans prefer a conservative and formal dressing in all business meetings and practices. Men dress in suits and ties while women wear formal dresses and suits (Macleod, 2002). They prefer handshakes and business cards as they manifest commitment and formality in business (Gorill, 2007). They significantly observe time consciousness and expect honesty and fairness in all business dealings. South Africans business people have abject respect for their business leaders and business organizations. The mode of communication between the employees, employers, and the public is well established. There is sound cooperation between the employees and employers in carrying out business operations. Indeed, the views and interests of employees are highly considered in any organizational decision or change. Hence, all stakeholders participate in running the business enterprises though the management reserves the right of initiating new dimensions and making critical decisions in the business (Gorrill, 2007). South Africans value inclusiveness, fairness, and honesty in all business activities. They equally disregard titles such as Mister or Miss in the context of business operations. They regard them as sources of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Market Segmentation and the Disintegration of an Entire Market Assignment - 7

Market Segmentation and the Disintegration of an Entire Market - Assignment Example Demographic Variables concern the characteristics of customers, for instance, marital status, gender, age, occupation, income, education, and religion among others. Market segmentation can also be done on geographical variables deals with the regional placement of customers for instance countries, states, and urban centers while behavioral variables concerns brand loyalty, product usage rate, and willingness to purchase (Cahill, 7). Initially, Starbucks targeted the entire coffee market and but tried to differentiate its coffee by developing fitting personal service and thus the Starbucks Experience. It also applied Geographical Segmentation principle by distributing it's over 17,000 outlets in different countries. The principle of market targeting requires a business to recognize the diversity of its customers and thus should offer them diverse services or goods that meet their varied tastes. The firm should be able to move at the same pace as the demands of consumers changes. The Starbucks experience first changed due to its attempts to meet the dynamic needs of the ever-increasing number of customers. It had to reconstitute its operations, as well as open new coffee outlets in potential market segments. After realizing that the business was losing most of its customers to the competitors, Schult came up with new policies for strategizing the future of the organization. It was no longer appealing to the traditional customer, thus lost its specialty, and finally became different. Starbucks now aims at meeting the unique and ever-changing needs of its customers. Stiff competition from other coffee houses forced the company to change the brand of their products in order to differentiate them from those offered by the competitors. The firm is now more focused on the benefits that customers will generate from consuming its coffee, which includes personal satisfaction, quality services beyond the  customers’ expectations, timely delivery of services amongst others.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Signal Processing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Signal Processing - Research Paper Example One of these digital signal processing techniques is adaptive filtering. Adaptive Filters Haykin (2006) defines an adaptive filter as a system which is self-designing and reliant on a recursive algorithm for its operation. This feature enables an adaptive to satisfactorily perform in an environment where there is scarce or no knowledge of the applicable statistics. Diniz & Netto (2002) observe that an adaptive filter is used when either the fixed specifications are not known, or these specifications cannot be met by filters which are time-invariant. Adaptive filter’s characteristics depend on the input signal and such filters are time-varying because their parameters continually change so as to satisfy a performance requirement. The two main groups of adaptive filters are linear and nonlinear. According to Stearns & Widrow (1985), linear adaptive filters calculate an approximation of the desired response by utilizing a linear permutation of the available group of observables t hat are applied to the filter’s input. Nonlinear adaptive filters are those that depend on the input signal and their parameters change continually. Also, adaptive filters can be classified as supervised and unsupervised adaptive filters. Supervised adaptive filters apply the presence of a training series that gives different outputs of a desired ouput for a particular input signal. The response that is desired is compared against the real output due to the input signal, and the error signal that results is used in adjusting the filter’s free parameters. Unsupervised adaptive filters perform alterations of their free parameters without the requirement for a desired response. Such filters are designed with a group of rules that enable it to calculate the input-output mapping with particular desirable properties (Sayed, 2003). Adaptive Filtering System Configuration Drumright (1998) establishes 4 major types of adaptive filtering configurations. These include adaptive no ise cancellation, adaptive inverse system, adaptive system identification and adaptive linear prediction. Algorithm implementation in all these systems, but the configuration is different. They all have the same general characteristics which include: an input signal x(n), a desired result d(n), an output signal y(n), an adaptive transfer function w(n) and an error signal e(n). e(n)=d(n)-y(n) The adaptive system identification determines a discrete approximation of the transfer function for an unknown analog or digital system. A similar input x(n) is applied to both the unknown system and the adaptive filter and the outputs are compared. The y(n) of the adaptive filter is subtracted from that of the unknown resulting in an error signal e(n) which is used to manipulate the filter coefficients of the adaptive system. In the adaptive noise cancellation configuration, an input x(n) and a noise source N1(n) are compared with a desired signal d(n) which comprises of a signal s(n) corrupted by another noise N0(n). The adaptive filter coefficients adapt to cause the error signal to be a noiseless version of the signal s(n). The adaptive linear prediction configuration performs two operations; linear prediction and noise cancellation. Finally, the adaptive inverse system models the inverse of the unknown system u(n), an aspect which is useful in adaptive equalization (Drumright, 1998). Conclusion Just as discussed above, the classical applications of adaptive filt

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Zara Plus Sized A Case Study for a New Product Line Assignment

Zara Plus Sized A Case Study for a New Product Line - Assignment Example Accordingly, Zara does not currently have any offerings in plus sizes or for the fuller figured woman. Therefore, this is a lucrative market in which Zara’s competitors are capitalizing and Zara apparel is not. If Zara intends to maintain its competitive edge in this evolving market, it will be forced to integrate a full figured line of clothes into its product offerings. Normally, the apparel industry is already one that is almost wholly driven by consumer tastes; however, now that consumer needs play such a key role, the evolution of the industry takes place even more rapidly than prior market demands dictated. Objective The overall objective is to create a prosperous new line of plus sized/full figured women’s clothing to augment the existing profitability of the Zara apparel firm. This objective will be accomplished by designing and producing a new line of full figured/plus sized women’s clothing, internally marketing that new product line, working to streaml ine and maximize the profitability of the new product line, monitoring its growth and success, and expanding the product line to different markets based on the profitability both online and in the initial US market introduction. As such, Zara’s primary objective is to achieve market share in an existing market with existing products. According to analysis of Ansoff’s matrix referenced below in Figure 1.0, this strategy is the safest of Ansoff’s 4 strategies. Figure 1.0 However, it is a well known fact that even with this safest of strategies, it is not without its limitations. Most prominent among these drawbacks is the fact that competitors will necessarily react to Zara’s entry into the market. As Zara will be attempting to cut down on the number of customers and market share which these firms previously held, expect the competition to be fierce. By carefully measuring Zara’s objectives within the metrics of SMART (specific, measurable, attainabl e, and time bound), Zara apparel will ensure that the metrics and milestones of the product launch are well defined, possible, and timely. SPECIFIC/Measurable With the plus sized clothing market approaching US 20 billion dollar a year industry in the United States alone (Stark, 2012), it will be Zara’s intent to capture 0.00875% of the US market - equating to total sales figures of around US 165 million dollars per annum. Figure 2.0 below shows overall sales objectives for the first year of the new product line as compared with the overall size of the plus sized clothing economy in the United States. Figure 2.0 Attainable/Time Bound It is the understanding of this analysis that such a figure is attainable given Zara’s current market share and net profits as of fiscal year 2011 totaling over US 2.14 billion dollars (Irish Times, 2011). Even without accessing total internet sales into the overall tally, each of Zara’s 49 stores in the United States will be respons ible for generating around US 3.34 million dollars in sales of plus sized clothing in order to reach the sales number set forth by this analysis. For purposes of this analysis, the sales goals, both online and in

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Financial Instruments & Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Instruments & Markets - Essay Example The existing stockholders are amenable to fund this amount. This can be done by issuing additional shares, and exercising the rights issue, wherein existing stockholders have the first prerogative to subscription rights; this means they are invited to subscribe cash for new shares in proportion to its existing shares. Rights issue simply means, for example: a one-in-four rights, is offering stockholders one share for every four shares they currently hold. Issuing additional shares of stocks to fund all the requirements is not advisable because of the difficulty with having too many stockholders. Too many stockholders make the complexity of direction and managing the governing board too difficult. It would be hard to make simple decisions because new stockholders may like to have their own positions in the company as there is also politics in directorship, thus the management lose a certain portion of its power. (Business Link) The beauty of equity financing as against bond and debentures is that it is devoted to the business or projects and company only pay investors if the business is doing well. It does not require monthly or periodic payments to investors, only periodic interests thru dividends. The company will not have to be burdened of servicing bank debts or debt finance for allowing use of their funds. The disadvantages seen in equity financing is this method is time consuming, demanding, and costly, and may take away the manager’s time away from the company; and the process will require the company to divulge to potential investors the company’s secrets such as background, programs, and forecasts (Barclay, Britt, 27 October 2011), 3. Installation of equipment in the amount of $150 million. This requires a long term financing, and since it fall s above the equity shares to be issued by the company, issuance of debentures is

Friday, September 6, 2019

Physics Coursework Essay Example for Free

Physics Coursework Essay This systematic method was followed in the experiment to ensure accuracy and precision. Firstly fill a Pyrex beaker with 250 ml of water after washing the beaker. Construct the circuit as shown in figures 5 and 6 securing the thermistor with crocodile clips. I will use a mild abrasive paper to clean metal oxides from the connections to ensure there is not sufficient oxide build up to affect results. It is essential to make sure the thermistor is positioned centrally near to the thermometer suspended from the retort stand. The voltmeter should be set to measure voltage between 0-2V, which should give a sufficient scale. The stirrer speed should then to be set to ensure sufficient stirring but does not create a whirlpool effect. Then turn the hot plate on and begin taking temperature and voltage measurements at every 2i C. It is necessary to ensure that the experiment is conducted in a controlled manner and the thermometer is read with the users eyes looking directly at the reading in a level plane thus preventing parallax errors. The readings should be taken from 20-80 i C and recorded. After this random readings should be taken to find the temperature according to the calibration curve and then the actual temperature should be found using the thermometer and the readings compared. Results Table: Temperature i C Potential Difference/ V Run 1 Potential Difference /Random Measurements I heated the water using the normal apparatus in the standard way. Using Calibration curve 2 (reasoning explained later) I was able to use the voltage read out to work out the temperature of the water. At: Potential Difference /V Calculated Temperature From Calibration / i C Actual Temperature /Analysis: I have achieved all of the following results using the equipment stated. The two calibration curves have the general logarithmic properties as generally expected when using this set up. Firstly, I feel it necessary why I have discounted one calibration curve. Firstly I have not ignored the results from run 1, they are perfectly reasonable and fair. The only reason to have a slight reservation about the first set of the results came about when inspecting the equipment after the first experiment. It came to my attention that around the battery a rust/ acid layer had formed on the connections of the battery pack. This was then swapped for an identical battery and pack to produce the results for run 2. Run 2 gave similar results but there were far less anomalous points on the graph and nearly all points fell on the line. I believe the slight corrosion on the battery may have produced these slightly anomalous points on run 1. Also a major reason for choosing run 2 as the calibration curve is that on the random measurements the predicted temperature fell within i 2. 0i C, which I considered a good result. The gradient on both graphs are fairly balanced in that moving on down the curve the gradient did not decrease rapidly unlike the typical calibration curve described in Figure 4. This will be discussed in the overall evaluation of the sensor. Evaluation: The experiment has thoroughly tested the sensor and has proved that it is capable of doing the job what it is intended to do but some improvements need to be made. The gradient of the calibration curve is such that even at the upper limits of the sensor it has a relatively good resolution in that it can distinguish between temperatures like it did at the lower limits of the sensor. The thermistors published response time is 1. 2 seconds. It did respond very quickly to temperature change however, this fast change may not be needed in such a large volume of water that will not change temperature very quickly at all. In a hot water tank also there would not be a stirrer like in my experiment (which I felt it necessary to use to calibrate the thermistor) and thermal equilibrium would not be reached and therefore if the sensor were to be used in a hot water tank it would be necessary to consider the best position for the sensor. Alternatively a number of thermistors could be positioned all over the tank and the average temperature taken. Run 1 was not a failure, it simply showed systematic drift. The same trend was shown as in Run 2 however; the curve was closer to the X- axis. To conclude this project, I believe I have fulfilled my aim and have designed a sensor to measure the temperature inside a domestic hot water tank. The sensor may have to be re-engineered slightly to cope with the un-uniform heating inside the tank as described above. I also believe that for the sensor to work a battery would not be suitable as a power source. The battery would loose energy over time and for this sensor to work it is calibrated on the assumption that the batterys energy is not lost over time. Therefore giving a false temperature reading meaning that the sensor is rendered useless. It would be more suitable to use an adaptor from the mains converting the alternating current to direct current and also stepping down the voltage. In the lab I used a battery however, simply to test the sensor and this experiment has proves successful and shown that the thermistor could show the user the temperature of hot water inside a tank with sufficient resolution between 20-80i C. Instrumentation Coursework David Burgess 12 RJF Page 1 of 9 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.